Well, I have been able to set a somewhat efficient environment that allow me to use my computer almost without using a mouse. First, if you have seen my last post, you read that I installed dwm as my window manager. I dropped it because I found a better one: i3. Why did I change ? Because one main reason: recompiling the whole thing everytime I changed something was annoying me. Additionally, i3 has some better features (and little things that sparks my interest):
- easy to configure;
- infinite combination of keybindings possible;
- can be restarted on the fly;
- windows can be moved (let's say you want to move a window from left to right);
- bar only shows workspaces who have windows currently assigned to them;
- orientation of the next window can be chosen;
- integrated i3 bar supports conky.
Over that, I use customizable applications such as Sublime Text 2. I really recommend you to check this. Learning to use vim also helps when you use the console a lot. So here is my setup, as a developper: i3, urxvt, Sublime Text 2. What about my music ? Simple ! I finally went on to use MPD with MPC and set some keybinds to control it !
Though, this was not enough for me. One app I use a lot still makes me use my mouse non-stop: my web browser. While browsing (yea..) on the ArchLinux forum, I found something interesting: luakit and learnt about a not so popular trend which is keyboard driven web browers. luakit is basically a web browser with vim-like key bindings. I can navigate the web without using my mouse just by following links ! And it is lightweight and still manages to have Flash ! Wow.